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6 eye dzi bead #1

6 eye dzi bead #1

Regular price €23,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €23,00 EUR
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Size: 54 millimeters long, 24 millimeters wide and 10 millimeters deep
Weight: 28 grams
Material: natural agate, dark brown, semi-transparent
Age: recently made 
Details: shiny surface, chipped at one side


The 6 eye dzi bead supports in relieving feelings of anxiety, grief and sorrow. It helps to take control of negative emotions and find peace of mind.

The 6 eyes refer to the Buddhist concept of 6 levels of human existence (Hell-Hunger-Animalism-Anger-Calmness-Bliss); a gradual description of the different states of being a human can find himself in. Each level comes with its own sufferings; the 6 sorrows of Samsara: existential uncertainty, greed and insatiability, the sorrow of the need to leave (loved ones, property), the sorrow of rebirth, the sorrow of trials and the sorrow of loneliness. The 6 eye dzi bead offers support on handling the sufferings on all these levels.

Also the 6 eyes refer to the 6 ‘paramitas’; virtues that we need to follow to achieve enlightenment and liberation from the wheel of Samsara: moderation, love, diligence, patience, kindness, and awareness. The 6 eye dzi bead helps in finding and following these virtues in every situation, instead of giving in to the (sometimes more comfortable, convenient or easy) actions that eventually lead to more suffering.

By supporting during all challenges, sufferings and sorrows that might come on our path while making our way through the levels of the human states of being, the 6 eye dzi bead helps us to find inner peace and happiness in all situations.

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