Kartika with double dorje
Kartika with double dorje
The kartika is a flaying, crescent-shaped knife or chopper. In Tibetan iconography it is mostly seen in the hands of female wrathful deities, such as the dakini's. The typical crescent-shaped form is derived from the traditional form of Indian butcher knives, but can for example also be seen in the typical skinning knife used by Inuit women.
The kartika is especially used in Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies and rituals, such as the Chöd ritual. It symbolizes the severance from all material and worldly bonds and chops up the ego-centered self.
The hook-shape on one end of the crescent symbolizes the 'hook of compassion'. It is this hook that pulls souls out of the eternal karmic cycles of death and rebirth.
The kartika is often seen with a handle in the shape of a dorje or double dorje.
The word 'dorje' (or in Sanskrit 'vajra') translates both as 'lightning bolt' and as 'diamond'. The dorje symbolizes the true nature of the universe and reality; the endless, ultimate emptiness in which all possibilities exist. The dorje supports in 'cutting through the crap of the mind', finding a clear path through the diversions of the 'monkey-mind' and ego-chatter, seeing what's real and what's not. The dorje is said to destroy all kinds of ignorance and in this way helps in gaining true insights.
The dorje supports the (ritual) actions that can be done with the kartika, making sure they are done with diamond clarity.
This kartika with double dorje handle can be used during ritual, ceremony, healing and meditation practices.
Two variations available:
* elaborate decoration, 10 centimeters diameter, 166 grams
* simple decoration, 10 centimeters diameter, 146 grams
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